The theatre of Jean-Paul Sartre [electronic resource]
Practice makes perfect Spanish pronouns and prepositions [electronic resources]
Two or three things I know for sure
表白 那些說不出口的話 / [電子資源] :
The agitators : three friends who fought for abolition and women's rights / [electronic resource]
年輕7歲的優雅大人好感系彩妝 [電子資源]
蔬療 : 吃對蔬菜,打造抗病體質,三高、濕疹、內分泌失調、婦兒科雜症、失眠、憂鬱......統統再見!
幸福瘦 不節食、不復胖,從心開始的23堂療癒減重對話 / [電子資源] :
文藝少女的矽谷進擊 : 育兒、寫小說、當工程師 我全都要!
45歲退休, 你準備好了? : 努力工作、積極理財、簡樸過日, 拿回生活掌控權 = Are you ready to retire?