覺醒2.0 閉上眼,你才能看見命運的原始碼 = Awaking : behold the instant to rebuild your soul's code / [電子資源] :
佛說:你無法真正占有一個人 : 世事如夢幻泡影,人到四十,應作如是觀 = You can not really occupy a person.
當佛陀也要繳信用卡債 : 佛法如不能活用在紅塵裡,寧可不要 = A time when buddha in dedt as well
煩惱像洋蔥,最裡面是空 : 年過三十,該是看清煩惱幻象的時刻了 = Vexation is like an onion, the core is empty
你的寂寞,是沒有鑰匙的鎖 = Awareness is the only cure for solitude
人性,是沒有文字的佛經 : 愚者讀有文字的佛經,覺者讀沒有文字的人性。 = Humanity is a sutra that out of words