鼻咽癌中受甲基化抑制的微小RNA-148a活化整合素之訊息傳遞 = Silencing of miR-148a by hypermethylation activates the integrin-mediated signaling pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
陰道鞭毛蟲中細胞週期調控因子cdc25的選殖及特性分析 = Cloning, sequencing and characterization of a cell cycle regulator, cdc25 in Trichomonas vaginalis
網頁標籤標記行為之研究 : 部落格與社會性書籤 = A Study of Tagging Behavior on the Web:Blogging and Social Bookmarking
發展遲緩兒童親子共讀的參與及現況 = Parent-child Shared Reading in Children with Developmental Delay: Participation and Current Situation
從動作運用觀點探討左右腦傷者在物品使用之表現 = Tool-use praxis in patients with left and right brain injury