讓老闆裁不到你 = 66 key abilities you should have during 20s : 30歲前一定要具備的66個職戰力
讓石頭飛起來 : 企業生存與發展的關鍵 : 速度
老闆不說,但你一定要有的66個職戰力 : 逆轉你的職涯命運,升職加薪不卡關! = 66 key abilities you should have during 20s
王道 : 業績3.0「超業」都在用的保證成交術!
設計是什麼? : 保羅‧蘭德給年輕人的第一堂啟蒙課
透視影響力 The power of persuasion / [數位影音光碟(DVD)] =
有效談判的技術和策略 Skills, techniques and strategies for effective negotiations / [數位影音光碟(DVD)] =
啟發人心的領導人 The inspiring leader / [數位影音光碟(DVD)] =
善用領導人的光芒 Leveraging the spotlight of leadership : what every leader should know / [數位影音光碟(DVD)] =