英文文法有道理! : 重新認識英文文法觀念 = Making sense of English
不同動作損傷程度的學齡前腦性麻痺孩童發展功能和健康相關生活品質:追蹤研究 = Developmental Functions and Health-related Quality of Life in Preschool Children with Cerebral Palsy of Different Motor Impairment Severities: a Follow-up Study
英文寫作有訣竅! : 三句話翻轉英文寫作困境 = Making sense of English writing
將周邊血液單核球細胞誘導為眼角膜內皮細胞以利進行角膜內皮組織重建之研究 = Generating the corneal endothelium from PBMC induction for studying the potential application on corneal reconstruction
韓國Flexible AMOLED技術發展策略趨勢大解析 [電子資源]