牆壁上的藝術之謎 傳世壁畫背後所隱藏的故事 = Story of murals / [電子資源] :
一生不能錯過的世界名畫故事 = Stories of paintings
牆壁上的藝術之謎 : 傳世壁畫背後所隱藏的故事 = Story of murals
關於世界名畫的100個故事 100 stories of paintings / [電子資源] =
關於宗教畫創作的100個故事 = 100 Stories of peligous art
關於世界經典建築的100個故事 100 stories of world's classical buildings / [電子資源] =
感動力 : 沒有感動力‧就沒有共鳴力 = The power of impression:there's no moving power without stories
關於三國志的100個故事 100 stories of records of the Three Kingdoms / [電子資源] =
關於資治通鑑的100個故事 = 100 Stories of Zizhi Tongjian