2013機械產業年鑑 2013 Machinery Industry Yearbook / [電子資源] =
從中國大陸高端裝備自主化探討臺灣精密機械產業因應策略 The study of the coping strategies of Taiwan's precision machinery industry for independently high-end equipment of mainland China / [電子資源] =
由全球塑膠添加劑發展看我國塑膠業發展契機 = The opportunities of domestic plastic industry through investigationg global plastic additives developing trend
預防檢測商機與營運模式探索 = The business model of preventive health services
十二五規劃下中國大陸醫藥與醫療器材市場商機與切入策略 The business opportunities and entry strategies of China's medicine and medical device market under 12th five-year plan / [電子資源] =