絕處逢生 : 許醫師癌症身心靈療法 = Dr. Hsu's spiritual prescriptions of healing cancer
感覺 <<個人實相的本質>>讀書會. 1 = Feelings : intorduction to "The individual and the nature of massevents". vol. 1 / [電子資源] :
許醫師安心處方 = Dr. Hsu's spiritual prescriptions
躁鬱症跟你想的不一樣 情感性疾患的身心靈整合療法 = Unveiling the true face of bipolar disorder / [電子資源] :
躁鬱症跟你想的不一樣 : 情感性疾患的身心靈整合療法 = Unveriling the true face of bipolar disorder
誰說慢性病不會好? : 10大慢性病的身心靈療法 = Spiritual preseriptions of healing 10 chronic diseases
情緒修煉 Practice through emotions / [電子資源] =
小故事大啟示 : 許醫師在治療室中常說的50個故事 = 50 Inspiring stories from Dr. Hsu
心想事成魔法書 The magic of believing / [電子資源] =