關於世界經典建築的100個故事 100 stories of world's classical buildings / [電子資源] =
凝固時光的塵 : 世界經典建築背後的故事
關於建築學的100個故事 = 100 stories of architecture
關於世界經典建築的100個故事 = 100 Stories of world's classical buildings
關於生物學的100個故事 [電子資源]
關於世界名畫的100個故事 100 stories of paintings / [電子資源] =
執行力 : 沒有執行力.就沒有成功力 = The power of enforcement : there's no success power without the execution power!
關於心理學的100個故事 [電子資源]
關於唐詩宋詞的100個故事 = 100 stories of Tang and Song ci poems