建立適用於模式生物之基因體及環境突變特徵整合式分析平台 = Integrative web server for dissecting genetic and environmental mutational signatures for model organisms
利用攝影機與深度學習技術之多人即時心律不整篩檢系統 = Real-time Arrhythmia Screening System for Multi-Users Using Camera and Deep Learning
肺功能檢查原理與臨床實務 = The principle and clinical practice of pulmonary function test
中醫傷骨科學 : 結構醫學 = Traditional Chinese osteopathy & traumatology : structural theory medicine
解剖學 = Anatomy
實用微生物免疫學 = Microbiology and immunology
醫學實驗室管理 = Management in medical laboratory