立即見效,一輩子都受用的10堂情緒管理課。 : 現在就學會管理情緒,將是你一輩子最大的盾牌 = Ten lessons for emotional anagement that I wish I had been taught
她們都是我的, 前女友
單雙側機器輔助訓練於中風患者之上肢與功能表現之效應 = Unilateral versus Bilateral Robot-Assisted Training in Stroke Patients: Effects on Upper Extremity Performance and Functional Ability
祕密背後的祕密 : 實踐吸引力法則的行動方法 = The secret behind the secret
不動氣溝通 : 不踩雷的零失誤攻心說話術 = Improve your communication skills to avoid wrong conversation
川普成功學 : 放膽想, 勇敢拚, 你就贏! = Donald Trump
老闆不會主動教你的談判攻心計 = Successful communication and negotiation