偽科學檢驗站 : 從食安、病毒到保健食品, 頂尖醫學期刊評審的50個有問必答
健康謠言與它們的產地 : 頂尖國際期刊評審解答50個醫學迷思 = Health rumors & where they are created
餐桌上的偽科學. 2, 頂尖醫學期刊評審用科學證據解答50個最流行的健康迷思
餐桌上的偽科學 1, 加州大學醫學院教授破解上百種健康謠言和深入人心的醫學迷思
Food waste and sustainable food waste management in the Baltic Sea Region [electronic resource]
市民跑者之王 波士頓馬拉松冠軍川內優輝打破常識的跑步訓練法 / [電子資源]
Boundaries between promotion and progression during carcinogenesis
Novel measurement and assessment tools for monitoring and management of land and water resources in agricultural landscapes of Central Asia [electronic resource]
Advances in wind energy conversion technology [electronic resource]